Successful redevelopment on Brownfield and urban properties requires a combination of skills to both identify impediments and provide solutions. If assessed early in the development process, impediments can be addressed through optimal site design, costs and contingencies can be included in the
project pro-forma, and gap financing options can be assessed. If the correct assessments are completed, solutions to contamination and infrastructure problems can be incorporated into site design and use. Development on a brownfield or grayfield site involves risk and uncertainty by the set of assessment and remediation services provided by ASTI can reduce that risk and provide a clear strategy for redevelopment.
ASTI ENVIRONMENTAL (ASTI) has developed a complete site restoration program that can be used for screening multiple properties, purchasing specific properties for redevelopment, converting properties to greenspace or providing valuable information for site design, construction and use.
ASTI’s Site Restoration services includes the following services:
- Preliminary Data Screening
- Environmental Concerns Assessments
- Exit Strategies for Sellers
- Due Diligence Assessments such as Phase I and Baseline Environmental Assessments
- Pre-Demolition Hazardous Materials Assessments (Asbestos, Lead Based Paint, Mold and Universal Wastes)
- Incentives Assistance
- Brownfield Grant Administration
- Evaluation of Remediation Alternatives
- Due Care Plans for Construction and Operation
- Soils and Groundwater Treatment Systems
- Remediation, Abatement Management, and Removal Actions
- Ecological Restoration
- Closure Documentation
ASTI has provided restoration services for our commercial, municipal, and private clients since 1985. Our expertise in assessment, remediation, compliance and closure allows us to quickly identify issues and provide solutions. ASTI will direct you through the entire process to ensure that you:
- Understand how site-specific impacts and historical use can impact construction and site use,
- Select the most cost effective solution to contamination and infrastructure impediments, and
- Obtain documentation for the necessary innocent landowner protection.
For more information about site restoration programs, contact Tom Wackerman, ASTI Environmental at 800.395.2784 or visit our homepage at