
In addition to numerous options for cleanup and closure, various financial incentives are available through Federal and State agencies to make Brownfield Redevelopment more enticing for developers and municipalities. The key to a successful Brownfield Redevelopment project is quickly identifying site development and funding opportunities. Some factors that affect the amount of funding you can receive are location, the amount of investment, the intended use, the number of jobs created, the financing gap , and the extent of remediation or environmental management needed. If you plan to develop contaminated, blighted, or functionally obsolete property, you’ll need to determine what incentives will work for you.


ASTI ENVIRONMENTAL (ASTI) has developed a complete Brownfield Redevelopment program that will be
customized to fit your development needs. Our specialized programs can help you to identify and optimize
your funding opportunities before you even select a property.

ASTI’s Brownfield Redevelopment program includes the following services:

  • Brownfield Financing Assistance
  • Brownfield Grant Administration
  • Environmental Site Assessments
  • Asbestos and Lead Based Paint Management
  • Hazardous Materials and Special Waste Clearance
  • Contaminant Mapping and Modeling
  • Evaluation of Remediation Alternatives
  • Soils and Groundwater Treatment Systems
  • Remediation and Removal Actions
  • Demolition Management


ASTI has provided Brownfield Redevelopment services for our commercial, municipal, and private clients since the program began in 1996. Our expertise in Brownfield options and requirements allows us to quickly identify appropriate financial incentives for your next project. Additionally, ASTI will direct you through the entire process to ensure that you:

  • Maximize funding incentives,
  • Optimize site usage,
  • Minimize clean-up costs, and
  • Successfully manage environmental issues

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For more information about Brownfield Development programs, contact Tom Wackerman, ASTI Environmental at 800.395.2784 or visit our homepage at