ASTI Environmental reviewed projected roadway specifics for the new Martin Parkway in Commerce Township in order to prepare an Environmental Assessment for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
A noise analysis was performed as a part of this assessment in order to determine whether noise abatement should be considered for the proposed roadway alternatives. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC) were used to determine the acoustic impact of each alternative.
In order to determine existing noise levels, community ambient noise was measured at three receiver locations determined to be the most sensitive to changes in noise levels. Using the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM) 2.5, the accepted model for estimating noise generation and impacts by roadways, and the measured background ambient noise at the three receivers, ASTI was able to estimate the future noise levels at these receivers for each of the roadway configurations proposed by Commerce Township.
Throughout the project, ASTI worked closely with Township planners, project engineers, and traffic analysis engineers to provide a refined noise impacts analysis for presentation to residents and submittal to FHWA in the final Environmental Assessment, which was later approved by the administration