When the City of Novi chose to renovate and improve the site of the former Walled Lake Amusement Park, they contracted with Hamilton Anderson (HA) and ASTI Environmental to design their new Pavilion Shore Park. While HA designed pathways, play areas, and hardscapes for the center of the new park, ASTI designed natural shoreline treatments to replace failed concrete seawalls, and prairie and woodland restoration plans for the park's east and west ends.
ASTI also conducted Phase I and II Environmental Assessments and developed a Due Care Plan, reviewing potential contamination on the site from an adjacent, abandoned gas station and developing recommendations for soil balancing on the site.
ASTI analyzed the site and developed plans and specifications for incorporating coir (coconut fiber) logs and native plantings to stabilize shoreline erosion from wave and ice damage. The coir will decompose over a few years, but will serve as a wave break while native plants establish roots systems better equipped than the former turf grass to hold shoreline soils in place.
When deviations from the plans altered the existing shoreline during construction, ASTI worked with HA's landscape architects and the City to develop on-the-fly changes to the original design and adapt to the new site conditions. ASTI then worked with the contractor and sub-contractors to ensure that coir, stone, and plantings were installed correctly.
ASTI will continue to monitor plant growth and shoreline stability as the native planting areas develop.
Erosion & failed seawall before
Installation of coir logs and stone